Executive DBA

Doctorate in Business Administration

DBA degree


"Executive Doctorate of Business Administration"

 ... and three years from now, you've done it. You've earned the prestigious "Executive Doctorate of Business Administration" (Executive DBA) degree from the renowned Montblanc Business School. This is a tremendous achievement, folks.


Credibility, Recognition, and Valorization throughout and at each phase of the Executive DBA program

Successively, at the end of the first, second, third , and fourth semesters of the Executive DBA program, the participants (executive students) will receive :

  1. "Certificate of Research in Business Administration " (1st semester)

  2. "Certificate of Business Administration". (2nd semester)

  3. "Certificate in Economic Warfare: Corporate Espionage, Geopolitics, and Diplomacy" (3rd semester)

  4. Certificate in Sociology and Psychology for Business" (4th semester)

The "Certificate of Business Administration" may include the specialization chosen by the candidate, which may be in one of the following disciplines (Strategy and Finance, or International Business, or Leadership and Impact, or Entrepreneurship, or Economic Warfare)" delivered by the Montblanc Business School, and/or the Economic Warfare Business School, in their field of expertise.

The validation of the 3 years is crowned and attested by the award of the distinctive and internationally recognized "Executive Doctorate of Business Administration" (Executive DBA) degree from the prestigious Montblanc Business School.

1st Semester.

"Certificate of Research in Business Administration"

Upon successful completion of the first semester of the Executive DBA program, you will receive a "Certificate of Research in Business Administration" issued by two prestigious institutions, namely the Economic Warfare Business School. and Montblanc Business School (accredited by the University of Montblanc).

2nd Semester

"Certificate in Business Administration"

Upon conclusion of the 2nd semester of the Executive DBA program, participants will be awarded a "Certificate in Business Administration" by the prestigious Montblanc Business School, in one of the following areas: Strategy and Finance, or International Business, or Leadership and Impact, or Entrepreneurship, or Economic Warfare, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Human Resources Management...

3rd Semester

"Certificate in Economic Warfare: Corporate Espionage, Geopolitics, and Diplomacy"

Upon conclusion of the 3rd semester of the Executive DBA program, participants will be awarded a "Certificate in Economic Warfare: Corporate Espionage, Geopolitics, and Diplomacy" by the prestigious Economic Warfare Business School.

4th Semester

"Certificate in Sociology and Psychology for Business"

Upon conclusion of the 4th semester of the Executive DBA program, participants will be awarded a "Certificate in Sociology and Psychology for Business" by the prestigious Economic Warfare Business School.